Constructions Step By Step

Construction Step by Step​

Here, we will explain the contents of the construction from the beginning to the end in an easy-to-understand manner.

  1. After deciding on the property, we consider the structure, the condition of adjacent buildings, construction conditions, costs, etc., and then start creating drawings and schedule plans.
    Duration: 3 weeks to 1 month
  2. Based on the drawings, we begin to acquire a permit (construction permit) to carry out construction while communicating with the building department (construction department of the city hall) of the land.
    Duration: 1 to 4 months
  3. While the work of 2 is progressing, we will reconsider the budget and schedule plan again.
    Duration: Same as 2
  4. After receiving the approval from the building department, we make planning decisions, determine the final cost, sign a construction contract, obtain a permit, and start construction.
    Duration: 2 weeks
  5. Implementation period Varies depending on the content.

The above period may change slightly depending on the location and conditions, so it
is necessary to plan with plenty of leeway in the schedule. The construction period will vary depending on the structure and conditions.
It is very important to verify the direction at the planning stage.

Please feel free to contact us.